You have performed your first search, now to decode the results page.
1. On the right-hand side of the screen you will see the Cards of all the programs that meet your search criteria. Cards are in order of proximity to your location. (Local > Regional > National)
2. In the top left corner is the Pin Map. This map is a visual guide for a Program's proximity to you. You have the option to widen or shrink your search area, provided a location was included in your search. Widening or shrinking your search area will include more local or national programs based on the direction of the slider.
3. Filters provide extra criteria that may be suitable for your search. You may select as many or as few as you would like and the Cards will change if a Program meets or does not meet the selected criteria.
Program Cards
The Card displays the Program's name, its verified status, a brief description, and an overview of services available. Clicking or tapping the More Info button will take you to the Program's full page which provides tips, eligibility criteria, the Program's physical location (if applicable), website, phone number, and point of contact. Clicking the Send Email button will open your default email client and prefill the Program's contact address, if one is provided.
Pin Map
The Pin Map displays visually the proximity of the Program to the location you provided. If no location is provided, the map will default to the location of the first search result.
If you entered a location at the time of your search, you will be able to adjust the proximity slider beneath the map to widen or shrink your search area. The minimum distance is a five (5) mile radius.
Filters allow you to tailor your search results better to you. Selecting filters applicable to you will change the Cards to the Programs with eligibility criteria that match your filter. If you would like to view all Programs regardless of eligibility criteria, you may clear all selected filters. Selecting filters will only change the Pin Map if the first listed Program changes.
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